God does not cease to call some men to follow and serve Him in the ordained ministry. However, we also must do our part, through formation, which is the response of man, of the Church, to God's gift, that gift which God makes through vocations... It is about protecting vocations and having them grow, so that they bear mature fruits. They are a 'diamond in the rough,' to be worked with care, respect of the conscience of persons and patience, so that they shine in the midst of the People of God” (Pope Francis, 3 October 2014).
It is recognised that Ongoing Formation is primarily the responsibility of the individual priest - and embraces his human, spiritual, intellectual, and pastoral needs. The OGF Committee assists priests in fulfilling this responsibility in a variety of ways.
To contact any member of the committee or to find out more about the distinct areas of the committee's work, please see the link below.
020 7202 2160
Archbishop’s House
150 St George’s Street

Upcoming Events and Courses
Clergy Retreat
Ladywell, Godalming
13-17 May 2024
Training Programme in Spiritual Direction
One-year, 10 session course for Southwark clergy at The Friars
Other Upcoming Events
Personal and Spiritual Support
Handbook for Personal Support
The OGF team hold a list of experienced and capable experts in counselling and psychotherapy which is soon to be updated. Priests are invited to ask for a copy if one is not already in the parish office for their own support or the support of those in their care. Clergy may also care to make use of the online, John Paul II Directory which provides information on other counselling and pastoral accompaniment opportunities.
Spiritual Direction
The benefits of spiritual direction are well-known and the OGF team are keen to help facilitate the search for a spiritual director for the priests in our diocese. A list, again regularly updated, is held by the OGF office and periodically circulated by a member of the team. We are also encouraging members of the clergy to undertake training in Spiritual Direction.
Documents on Priestly Formation and supporting Priestly Ministry
The Gift of Priestly Vocation
Ratio Fundamentalis Institutionis Sacerdotalis
Pastores Dabo Vobis
Apostolic Exhortation on Priestly Formation
A Charter for Priestly Formation for England and Wales
Homiletic Directory
Directory for the Ministry and the Life of Priests
2013 Edition
Directory on the Canonical Status of the Clergy
Rights, Obligations and Procedure
Churchland - House for Priests
Formally opened on 30 March 2021,
Churchland: the Archdiocesan House for Priests is intended to be a ‘place apart’, where a listening ear for any priest with spiritual, pastoral or personal concerns will be provided.
The House has a room available for priests who may need to spend time away from the parish or other ministerial duties; any priest may request to spend a few days if they simply need to find a little space. It is also hoped that Churchland become a venue for private quiet days and smaller gatherings. In time, the plan is to host monthly Days of Recollection for small groups, and there is potential for the House to be used for smaller OGF gatherings or fraternal support.
Canon Luke Smith, the Episcopal Vicar for Priestly Life, is now resident so don’t hesitate to make contact. Email: lukesmith@rcaos.org.uk or 01634 313598.